Tutor Spotlights
Meet Norm

Spotlight on Norm
Norm has a warm and encouraging personality that has helped many students thrive in the conversation group program.
LVSC Journey: After I retired, I wanted to find ways that I could “give back”. Susan Engelstein {LVSC’s Program & Events Manager} was a positive influence in pointing me toward the work that LVSC is doing.
Best LVSC Moment: There have been several such “moments” – reading many of the interesting pieces my students wrote for the newsletter; watching a student who sheepishly came to a first class, come back multiple times; but most of all, watching several students whose English just blossomed during the time I worked with them.
Favorite Food: The problem is that I have too many favorites! But one is certainly sushi.
Hobbies: I’m a big Jazz fan; I’m an exerciser; I like to volunteer; I like to read, especially non-fiction (history) that I didn’t have the opportunity to do when I was working; and I like to work hard at being a good friend.
Favorite Book: I have several (often the latest one I’m reading). But one I really enjoyed was Hamilton by Ron Chernow.
R&R Spot: Often it is at my computer listening to YouTubes of Jazz artists I like. Sometimes it is in front of the TV enjoying a Netflix movie or series.