1-to-1 Tutoring
4,000+hours of free tutoringby180volunteer tutorsfor293adult learners
Become an ESL tutor! Training provided. LEARN MORE.
4,000+hours of free tutoringby180volunteer tutorsfor293adult learners
400+hours of discussionin12conversation groupsfor104adult learners
500+hours of free instructionfor28adult learners
...and more!
Trained tutors develop customized lessons to help students with their everyday needs.
Tutoring is offered at a time and place convenient to the student. Flexibility and useful lessons lead to success.
Andrea shared her prize-winning poem in front of 65 people at LVSC's Annual Meeting & Recognition Night. Says Andrea, "I was really very nervous, it was my first speaking in front of many people."
Read Andrea's Award-Winning Poem's Story