Student Spotlights
"There is no better place to learn English than LVSC."

Spotlight on Yorleny
Yorleny shares her favorite ways to learn English.
My name is Yorleny, I’m from Costa Rica. I can fill thousands and thousands of pages writing about how LVSC has changed my life, but I’ll be brief.
I didn’t only learn English. I became a person I always wanted to be, a person without any fear, confident and independent.
Before the virus broke out, I worked in rehab, I volunteered in schools, in a library and in a secondhand store, thanks to LVSC. I also don’t need a translator anymore. All these lovely people are a blessing in my life. There is no better place to learn English than LVSC.
And now I'm paying it forward. I'm tutoring someone once a week by Zoom.
Aside from volunteering at a variety of places, including LVSC, Yorleny is also part of an LVSC book club!
First of all, I’ll give all the credit to a person who had this magnificent idea of having a book club. Even though Finding Chika was a real tearjerker and a touching story I enjoyed it. Many times, I got weepy. I’m not going to talk about the book, because it breaks my heart. I just want to say that “enjoy every moment as if it were the last of your life. The only time we get is today, tomorrow might be too late. Don’t hoard time, because none of us know how much we have”.
From where I stand, reading in English is one of the best ways to learn and improve your English skills quickly.
It’s amazing how reading can improve your English in different ways. I’ve improved my comprehension, spelling, and vocabulary. I can feel my English is coming along nicely because of all the reading I do. I do really love reading. It’s my cup of tea, I have a big penchant for it.
Reading is like dreaming with my eyes open or traveling without leaving the house.
It’s incredibly surprising how you can improve your English skills just reading. Thank you to all the people who are hosting these valuable book clubs.