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Job Skills - Soft Skills
Low Context vs. High Context Societies: Leadership Speaker Erin Meyer
Marsha Chan's Pronunciation Doctor
Me or We? Cultural Differences Between East and West
Personal Space: How Close is Too Close?
Rachel's English
Reading Job Ads
Real English
Responding to Compliments 哪裡哪裡!
Searching for a Job Online
Tips for Job Interviews
Voice of America Learning English
What Is The Difference Between a High-Context and Low-Context Culture?
What Is The Difference Between a Monochronic and Polychronic Culture?
Why So Many Compliments in the USA?
World Gestures And Their Meaning
LVSC is a volunteer-driven non-profit which is funded through donations, grants, and event proceeds. Donations stay local and help us to recruit and train volunteers to teach English literacy. We are not a government organization.